Poo Patrol is two best friends who decided to leave the 💩 of corporate America to pursue the prestigious life of pet feces removal. You’ll see us around town in one of our K-9 feces removal units. Todd is an Air Force veteran with an engineering background and is our Operations Director. Natalie is an Ozarks native with an accounting and business background who acts as our Administrative Director. You can see our Mascot “Buddy” in our logo; he has a background in stealing food off of your plate, and serves as our Chief Training Officer (He poops a lot!). Our goal is to serve the Springfield, Missouri and surrounding communities by keeping our neighborhoods clean of feces, and keeping your pets and family happy and healthy. As pet lovers ourselves, we have committed to donating a portion of our proceeds to rescue agencies around the Ozarks. Please allow us to serve your needs while helping the community at large. We look forward to serving you.